Our bags are made in our in house factory in Los Angeles, California by workers earning a living wage. Each bag is manufactured and then dyed in batches, giving the thick textile of the bag a weathered texture. These bags can last you a decade and are totally washable. Dyes are extra high quality and will not fade after multiple washes.
Made in Los Angeles, Calif.
Our experienced sewers earn up to $25 an hour and no less than $17.78; additionally workers have healthcare benefits for less than $15 per week, a 401k plan, paid sick days, subsidized bus passes and favorable overtime benefits.
• Unisex
• Made In Los Angeles, Calif.
• 13oz Bull Denim
• Nickel Zipper Closure
• Dual Handles
• Bottom Width: 20″
• Depth: 9″
• 100% Shrink Free Garment dye Cotton